Sunday 9 November 2014

It only takes a spark...

          It only takes a spark to transform one’s fate. It is that spark which ignited a possibility that one had never thought possible.
Zenith attended a summer teambuilding camp by the sea that he went to every year since he turned 11. It was supposed to be a bonding experience with his peers, with the age range from 11 to 17. This was his last year, and he hoped it would be the most memorable one.
He took in the surroundings of the camp with practiced observation. His attention gravitated towards a few girls who were under the shade nearby.
          “A good-for-nothing kid like you here? A disgrace!” spat one lean girl, whose name was Emma.
          The short stout girl beside her snickered, then carelessly kicked the side of the crouching girl.
It was evident by the aggressive stance of the two girls standing that they were picking on an innocent girl who could do no harm to them. Though it was a small wince, Zenith’s keen eyes saw it. His inner sense of justice brought him to her rescue.
          “Hey, leave her alone!”
          As he shouted, he strode quickly towards her. As Zenith expected, those two bullies naturally fled as they saw him.
          Her face was half hidden behind a cascade of dark hair when she turned away upon his arrival. Zenith crouched down before her and touched her knee lightly, to which she cringed away. With no other inspiration elsewhere, he seated himself next to her, yet leaving her ample amount of personal space.
          For the first time, he was given the chance to talk, to be a gentleman, like those social aristocrats he had always admired. Opportunities often offer themselves at the most unexpected of times. Like any other time, his throat would dry up and he was unable to utter a single sound. Well, he could, but it would just sound like a dehydrated frog croaking.
          “What’s your name?” he asked finally.
          He reminisced about his first day here, when every single person within a radius of 5 feet evaded him, including the teachers. Zenith was ignored, ostracised, uninvited— his presence was as insignificant as a tiny background detail. Zenith was truly a loner back then. Some still stayed clear from him, like Emma and her coconspirator. For what reasons, he never knew. However, his void was incomparable to her experiences, as he would soon learn.
          The silence stretched on. He would have concluded that she was a mute but for an almost inaudible whisper:
          He turned to face her and was met by a pair of soft eyes, but her gaze was hard. The unmatching contrast served as a shock to him. He could not imagine what pain had been forged on the anvil of pain and suffering for such sorrow to be emanated. He was tongue-tied, but before he could speak, his sharp eyes noticed something glinting in her hand; broken glass. Then he saw them—deep physical scars on her bare arm which he suspected were previously self-inflicted. He wouldn’t have seen them except that he was tremendously nervous speaking one-to-one with a stranger, so his eyes were darting everywhere. Suddenly, a pang of fear gripped him as he connected the dots— Iris was about to cut herself.
          Scared out of his wits, he reached out providently, in hopes of removing the looming threat against all odds without startling the sensitive girl. For some reason, she let him. Her still form watched him like a hawk.        
          Zenith made sure it was way out of her reach before heaving an immense sigh of relief. He stared deeply and earnestly at her.
          “Don’t lose yourself, Iris.”
          She seemed to have caught on to his intentions. He had broken the surface and instinctively identified what was amiss. He would have been none the wiser, if not for his gut feeling earlier. There had been an invisible pull — could that have been divine intervention? — that attracted his attention towards the enigmatic girl. He felt as though he had achieved something fulfilling.

          It only took a spark of empathy and kindness to bond two broken souls.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

It’s a Mystery

          Indigo stood silently, looking at the door. With a slow creaking sound, it opened. Taking a deep breath, Indigo walked inside, his stomach churning at the thought of the unknown.

          It was misty, dimly lighted and the air was cool. It was surreal; there seemed to be a lifting sensation, as light as feather. Indigo listened to the soothing rhythm of a metronome echoing softly around him, reminiscent of monks chanting in the temple. He closed his eyes, and in a matter of seconds, strong gusts of wind which whipped at his clothes were overwhelming. A piece of paper smacked onto his face and he squinted at the familiar handwriting…

“Have faith in God,
May we reunite.”

          Gasping in shock, Indigo realized his sister was here somewhere and clearly in trouble! Darting left and right, he stumbled on a hidden hinge and landed face-down on the marble floor. Walls began to close in around him and falling debris covered the ground.

          Panicking, he forced his way through the knee-deep cobbles, sliding his hands around the surrounding barrier in search of opening but to no avail. Sighing in defeat, he lowered his head to pray. Moments later, he checked his watch— 5:37p.m. Cocking his head, he looked around to confirm the time and leapt back in alarm at the ghastly sight behind.

          Amidst the cobbled surface, a decaying hand stood upright, as if imitating the Statue of Liberty. Indigo tried to avoid any other distractions and gazed up in the face of God, but what he saw completely threw him off. Up above, a woman resembling Cleopatra stared, openmouthed. Seizing this golden opportunity, he waved his arms wildly as a signal for help and yelled, pleading with her to save him.

          A ray of viridity shone down, and Indigo embraced its warmth, enclosed in safety, glad that he would see the outside world again. He wanted to see his mom and sister so badly. A notion struck him. His sister.

          Whether he was hallucinating or perfectly conscious Indigo could not tell. In the distance, he regarded a young boy enduring an unbearable yet thriving pain. He put that aside and focused on the radiance of the other side, with the vast endless void separating the figure of a sleeping girl and him. Inching closer, he could just make out her face…

Is that you, Princess?

-Originally written a year ago-

Monday 30 June 2014

Lurking Behind The Tide

Written by: Me (obviously)

Verse 1:     In my mind, heart, soul,
There lies a dream within me
To succeed in what I ought to be,
That is to be the perfect me.

Chorus:      (There!) Lurking behind the tide
Are endless possibilities,
Awaiting to emerge,
To make it work, for you…

Verse 2:     Sometimes I drift aimlessly
Among the sea of scenes,
Dwelling in each encounter,
Hoping that it will finally be clear.

Chorus:      (While) Lurking behind the tide
Are endless possibilities,
Awaiting to emerge,
To make it work, for you…

Bridge:       How did I make things wrong from right?
How to distinguish the truth from lies?
Possibilities lurk at the back of my mind…
They make me frightened of reality.

Chorus:      (But) Lurking behind the tide
Are endless possibilities,
Awaiting to emerge,
To make it work, for you…

Lurking behind the tide
Are endless possibilities,
Awaiting to emerge,
To make it work, for you…

Using the contemporary song structure, which is the most common:


...I completed my first song composition!

Monday 16 June 2014










Monday 26 May 2014







Remark(s): It's a beautiful poem and I personally like the structure as well. The best poem I've written so far <3

Sunday 11 May 2014

Do unto others what you would have them do unto you

          How often do we put our needs before others’? Are we doing what is best for others, and in turn, ourselves? There is a common saying that “what goes around, comes around.” This basically means that “the results of things that one has done will someday have an effect on the person who started the events.”

          Typically, others treat you the same way you treat them. For example, when you are nice to your peers, they will return the favor willingly. This is how individuals build relationships, such as becoming friends. Similarly, when you betray your friends, chances are, they will do the same— or treat you unkindly at the least. The moral lesson would be to “treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.”

          In just about every ancient writing about behavioral precepts, there is the frequent appearance of an adage:

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

          This is also known as the “Golden Rule”. It truly is golden, as it should be broadcasted as a universal rule. The world is in constant disunity. Conflicts, whether huge ones involving several countries, or small disputes between family members rise up every day. It may be due to different kinds of reasons such as misunderstanding, but the solution can be drawn from the cause. One only needs to be reminded of the Golden Rule and many problems, which may be due to misunderstandings, could be avoided. When one puts oneself in the other’s shoes, one is better at empathizing the situation of the other and might realize that one may have been too harsh in the heat of the moment. If both sides are able to understand and remedy the mistake, then both sides will most likely achieve peace through mutual understanding.

          Taking care of others is the same as taking care of yourself, we have been told. The satisfaction of giving and in turn, receiving is welcoming and spreads happiness all around.

“With great power, comes great responsibility.”

          The greatest power you are entitled to since the day you were born is choice. You are given a great responsibility to take care of yourself and to those who are dearest to you. You have power over your choices because you have freedom. When you choose to be friendly and optimistic to others, they will feel comfortable around you and will very often treat you likewise.

People often say that karma the effects of one’s actions that determine their fate in this life and the next incarnation— will catch up with us. To be on the safe side, doing good deeds is very much encouraged in order to be better off in the future.

[455-word composition]

PS: Happy Mother's Day
<3 2014. <3

Sunday 4 May 2014

来自地球的你 / You Who Came From The Blue Planet

            You have enlightened the path that is mine. Indirectly, you veered me back towards my primary purpose by making me reflect, realize the importance of certain aspects. Then, I rediscovered the wonders of silence. “Silence is golden”, and it truly is indeed. Some of us do not know how the commotions affect others. There are none as cold as those who are indifferent to the consideration of others. Empathy… Not enough is expressed to seep into every corner of the world.

이렇게도 될까요?


          It’s true — I extended my hand in your direction, but it was your choice to reach out and take mine. You beckoned to me from the back, where the main group was enjoying themselves. I took my own dare and made my way towards you, who was the shining star that came from the Blue Planet known as Earth. You, the kind soul who has touched my life and will remain in my everlasting memorable memories.

좋은 왕자 오빠

Inspired by 韩剧《来自星星的你》
한국 드라마 <별에서 그대>
Korean Drama “You Who Came From the Stars” 

Friday 28 February 2014

Wind Beneath My Wings

Disclaimer: The above video is not owned by me. It is included so that you can hear how the song relates to this story.